pp108 : Application Verification Scenarios

Application Verification Scenarios

This topic describes the possible scenarios of ISVP verification.

The Applications Signature Verification Status page of the Application Installer wizard displays the list of Applications being loaded with their associated status such as Valid, Tampered, Untrusted, Unsigned, and Improper Certificate. For more information about these, refer to Application Status Categories.

The checkbox next to the name of the Application is enabled or disabled depending on its validity. The Security settings of the Applications govern the behavior of installer to proceed or abort the procedure.

The following table explains the possible scenarios of Application Installation.

If Checkbox is

Is Checkbox Editable?





Applications are installed uninterruptedly

  • Applications are valid
  • The security option of the security setting, against which the application validation has failed, is set to Allow.



You can select to proceed with the installation

  • Applications are tampered, untrusted, unsigned or signed with an invalid certificate.
  • The security option of the security setting, against which the application validation has failed, is set to Prompt.



Applications are not installed

  • Applications are tampered, untrusted, unsigned or signed with an invalid certificate.
  • The security option of the security setting, against which the application validation has failed, is set to Disallow.

Related reference

Application Status Categories
Security Settings and Options